Elvis - 24 Carat Gold
Clique para ouvir pelo Real player:
Fame and fortune (# 5)
Gently (# 2)
There's always me (# 1)
Starting today (# 2)
That's someone you never forget (# 7)
I'm yours (# 5)
For the millionth and the last time (# 4)
Anything that's part of you (# 5)
I met her today (# 4)
Something blue (# 6)
Gonna get back home somehow (# 6)
Fountain of love (# 9)
Night rider (# 5)
Just tell her Jim said hello (# 4)
Echoes of love (# 1)
Please don't drag that string around (# 2)
Ask me (# 1)
Western Union (# 3)
Love letters (# 2)
The girl I never loved (# 11)
You don't know me (Film version # 18)
A house that has everything (# 6)
Stay away (# 6)
U.S. male (# 11)
Fame and fortune (# 3, 9)
Gently (# 1, 4)
I'm yours (# 3, 2)
For the millionth and the last time (# 3, 5)
Anything that's part of you (# 4, 6, 7, 9)
Fame and fortune (# 10, 12, 11)
I met her today (# 2, 5)
Something blue (# 3, 4)
For the millionth and the last time (# 11, 8)
Gonna get back home somehow (# 3, 5)
Just tell her Jim said hello (# 3)
Ask me (# 3, 4)
Stay away (# 12, 13)
You don't know me (Film version # 1, 2, 3)
A house that has everything (# 2, 3, 5)
You don't know me (Film version # 12, 13)
Stay away (# 12, 13)
Stay away (The undubbed master)
fonte:http:// jordans-elvis-world.com