quarta-feira, maio 30, 2007

Britânica terá que pagar à Justiça com discos e lembranças de Elvis

Londres, 29 mai (EFE).- Uma britânica considerada culpada de desvio de dinheiro terá que pagar sua dívida com a Justiça com os discos e as lembranças de Elvis Presley que colecionou durante anos.

A Procuradoria britânica anunciou hoje que a coleção será leiloada em 10 de junho, e o dinheiro arrecadado será destinado para compensar a Prefeitura onde Julie Walls, de 47 anos, trabalhava e de onde roubou quase £ 600.000 (US$ 1,186 milhão).

Walls, que já foi condenada em 2005 a três anos de prisão por desvio, retirou durante dez anos pequenas quantidades do dinheiro arrecadado com os parquímetros, que ela devia depositar na conta bancária da Prefeitura.

A mulher, que chegou a ficar com até £ 10.000 (US$ 19.800) por mês, destinava esse dinheiro a seu ídolo, com a compra de discos e lembranças do "rei" em feiras e lojas especializadas de todo o Reino Unido.

Entre os objetos que chegou a reunir e que agora serão leiloados está uma cópia assinada do disco "A Date with Elvis", um recibo de um abono feito pelo músico em 1964 com seu cartão de crédito e uma edição limitada do primeiro CD de Presley colocado à venda.

A Justiça dispôs o leilão desses artigos depois que a mulher, após ser condenada, se declarou em quebra.

A Procuradoria britânica espera que a venda, que poderia conseguir até £ 300.000 (US$ 593.000), desperte grande interesse, já que ocorre antes do 30º aniversário da morte do "rei do rock", em 16 de agosto do 1977.

segunda-feira, maio 28, 2007

Biografia não autorizada de Roberto Carlos e a influência de Elvis na música brasileira-2

A mudança aconteceu em 1956, quando Elvis Presley estreou na gravadora RCA com o single Heartbreak hotel. Branco, bonito, hétero, jovem e, além de tudo, cantando muito bem, Elvis Presley se tornou o primeiro grande fenómeno de popularidade da história do rock. Uma jovem brasileira que assistiu a um show do cantor nos Estados Unidos disse à revista O Cruzeiro; "A gente fica fascinada, e, quando o homem acaba de cantar, necessita-se ou de um banho de chuveiro ou de um psicanalista".

Logo Elvis Presley fez também os seus primeiros filmes - Ama-me com ternura, A mulher que eu amo, O prisioneiro do rock"n"roll -, mantendo a dobradinha do rock com o cinema. Surpreso e encantado com o novo ídolo, Roberto Carlos ia frequentemente ao cinema Santa Alice, no Lins de Vasconcelos, para ver e ouvir Elvis Presley. "Eu sentia uma alegria, uma vontade de dançar e principalmente de cantar. As guitarras coloridas também me impressionavam muito", lembra Roberto Carlos, que aos poucos ia também descobrindo o novo ritmo e o novo som. O garoto que cresceu cantando boleros e sambas-canções finalmente parecia se identificar com uma música do seu tempo e da sua idade.

No Colégio Ultra, os alunos de datilografia ficavam numa grande sala com mais de trinta máquinas de escrever, enquanto um professor circulava dando orientações básicas a cada um. E lá estava Roberto Carlos treinando nas teclas - ou catando milho, como se diz. Outro que também fazia aquele curso era o jovem Otávio Terceiro, que proporcionou ao cantor a sua primeira real oportunidade de cantar na televisão e o seu primeiro cachê no Rio de Janeiro.

Foi no intervalo de uma daquelas aulas que ele viu um dos alunos tocando uma música de Elvis Presley ao violão. Lá pelas tantas, quando Otávio Terceiro disse que trabalhava na televisão, Roberto Carlos arregalou os olhos e exclamou: "O quê?! Você trabalha na televisão?! Pois eu sou cantor". "Ah! É mesmo? Que bacana. Então aparece lá na TV um dia",

E não demorou muito para Roberto Carlos aparecer por lá, com seu violão de capa de lona preta nas costas, à procura de Otávio Terceiro.

Ele o recebeu para conversar, e no momento em que tomavam um café, numa outra sala mais afastada, Chianca de Garcia escrevia os quadros para o próximo Teletur, programa de variedades, espécie de precursor do Fantástico, que ia ao ar toda segunda-feira à noite, na TV Tupi. Otávio aproveitou a oportunidade e defendeu a escalação de Roberto Carlos para aquele programa, que não costumava apresentar calouros, e sim cantores já consagrados. Chianca concordou desde que Otávio fizesse um pequeno teste com o rapaz. Roberto Carlos foi então conduzido para uma sala no fundo do escritório e ali cantou ao violão Tutti frutti, sucesso do repertório de Elvis Presley.
Roberto Carlos cantou Tutti frutti sentado em uma lambreta, num cenário que tinha como tema a juventude. "Roberto estava felicíssimo e muito à vontade no vídeo.

Arlênio Lívio lhe falou então de um grupo de amigos que frequentava o Bar Divino, na rua do Matoso, ao lado do cinema Madrid. Disse que era uma turma da pesada, que também gostava de música, de cinema, de carros. "Se você quiser eu posso apresentá-lo ao pessoal", ofereceu-se Arlênio Lívio.
Naquele momento ele precisava mesmo de uma turma, trocar experiências com outros garotos, compartilhar dessa descoberta do rock and roll.

E no dia seguinte para lá foi ele com Arlênio Lívio, que o apresentou a alguns de seus amigos, entre os quais Edson Trindade, o Edinho, José Roberto, o China, e a um gordo chamado Sebastião, que mais tarde ficaria famoso com o nome de Tim Maia
Aos poucos, Roberto Carlos foi conhecendo outros garotos que frequentavam o Bar Divino.
Logo após Roberto estava numa banda , um quarteto com Tim Maia.
"The Sputniks" se apresentavam com no máximo dois violões, um tocado pelo Tim, mais rítmico, pulsante, outro pelo Roberto mais harmónico. The Sputniks cantavam Little darling com tanta perfeição que alguns até pensavam que eles estavam fazendo mímica -prática muito comum na época.
Carlos Imperial mergulhou no universo proletário do rock"n"roll, iniciando-se na carreira artística como dançarino e apresentador de programas de televisão. O seu Clube do Rock ia ao ar às terças-feiras, às 12 e 45 da tarde, na TV Tupi. No início era apenas um quadro de quinze minutos dentro do programa Jacy Campos -que cedeu o espaço para aquela nova onda musical que estava surgindo. "E agora com vocês o tão esperado Clube do Rock: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven...". O programa começava ao som de Rock around the clock e imagens de bailarinos dançando o ritmo da moda
Ao final do programa, os Sputniks foram fazer um lanche num bar próximo da TV Tupi, menos Roberto Carlos, que ficou no corredor esperando Carlos Imperial deixar o estúdio. Quando ele saiu, Roberto pegou firme no seu braço e disse: "Carlos Imperial, eu também sou de Cachoeiro de Itapemirim e imito Elvis Presley". Um pouco surpreso, Imperial exclamou: "Ah! Você é de Cachoeiro? E imita o Elvis? Então canta aí para eu ouvir". Roberto Carlos pegou seu violão e mandou Tutti frutti. E ali, naquele momento, pela primeira vez Carlos Imperial prestou atenção em Roberto Carlos. Imperial pediu mais uma música e seu conterrâneo cantou Jailhouse rock. "Ok, você está escalado para cantar um número de Elvis no próximo programa

Na terça-feira seguinte, ao meio-dia, lá estava Roberto Carlos estreando sozinho no Clube do Rock, apresentado por um eufórico Carlos Imperial. "Este é o meu, o seu, o nosso Clube do Rock, porque eu, você, nós gostamos de Robeeerto Caaarlos, o Elviiiiis Presley brasileiro...". E Roberto Carlos entrou de violão na mão, sacudindo e cantando Jailhouse rock. "Eu sofria muito a influência dos trejeitos de Elvis quando cantava, fazia até aquele jogo de pernas", afirma Roberto Carlos, que também tentava reproduzir uma batida com certo efeito no violão, um som metálico, de guitarra mesmo -que aprendeu com seu ex-companheiro de Sputniks, Tim Maia. (continua)

Biografia não autorizada de Roberto Carlos e a influência de Elvis na música brasileira-1

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Trechos do livro "Roberto Carlos em detalhes", de Paulo Sérgio de Araújo.
O uobop-bop-a-lum-uobop-bem-bum que Elvis Presley gritou lá de Memphis, em 1956, repercutiu como uma bomba nos subúrbios cariocas e quase abafou o bum bum bati cum dum prucu-rudum do samba do Rio de Janeiro. O bairro da Tijuca, na zona norte da cidade, foi o ponto de aglutinação de uma geração de garotos suburbanos e talentosos que sonhavam em ser americanos, vestir-se como americanos, cantar como americanos, viver como americanos. Seus ídolos eram os mesmos - e todos americanos: Elvis Presley, Little Richard, James Dean, Marlon Brando, Marilyn Monroe, Superman, Capitão América... E todos preferiam Coca-Cola a guaraná e só não passavam as tardes no McDonalds porque essa marca ainda não tinha chegado ao Brasil.

O pessoal se reunia então em frente ao Bar Divino, na esquina da rua do Matoso com Haddock Lobo, próximo ao Cinema Madri e ao Instituto Lafayette. Espécie de Memphis do rock nacional, aquela esquina da Tijuca atraía garotos como Tim Maia, Erasmo Carlos, Jorge Ben (que nos anos 90 mudou o nome para Jorge Benjor), Lafayette, Wilson Simonal, Ar-lênio Lívio, Luiz Ayrão, futuros Blue Caps como Renato e Paulo César Barros, futuros Fevers como Luiz Carlos e Liebert Ferreira... Raul Seixas não andava por ali porque morava na Bahia, mas logo, logo, alguém que vivia mais perto, um capixaba chamado Roberto Carlos, estaria se enturmando naquele clube da esquina carioca - ou quase americano.

O triunvirato de consumo cultural daqueles garotos era formado basicamente por discos, filmes e revistas em quadrinhos americanos. E disso o que eles reproduziam eram as canções. Não se pode dizer que faziam rock de garagem porque todos cresceram sem automóvel e entre pessoas que também não tinham. Eles faziam rock de rua e, como ficavam até tarde tocando, frequentemente provocavam a ira de alguns moradores, especialmente os da esquina da rua do Matoso com Haddock Lobo. A polícia era então chamada e prendia o violão dos roqueiros.

Erasmo e Tim Maia só vão se entender mesmo, e incrementar a turma da Tijuca, no período da adolescência, quando descobriram o rock"n"roll - manifestação da cultura pop que se projetou através do cinema.
Sim, o cinema é um dos pais do rock"n"roll, porque este não é apenas música, é também atitude, topete, calça jeans, jaqueta de couro, rebeldia...
No Brasil, o rock já era comentado antes mesmo de as pessoas ouvirem. Falava-se de um ritmo alucinante que levava muitos jovens a provocar quebra-quebra nos cinemas dos Estados Unidos. Diziam até que em algumas cidades americanas espectadores davam tiros na tela durante a exibição da tal música. "Eu me lembro que ia à praia e escutava um zum zun zum. "Vem aí um ritmo alucinante. Isso já me deixava assustado. Deus me livre! Eu não fazia a menor ideia do que fosse um ritmo alucinante", lembra Paulinho da Viola, enfatizando: "Pra mim aquilo era coisa do demónio. Eu não podia imaginar uma música que provocasse tamanha alucinação, a ponto de um cara puxar a arma e dar um tiro na tela. Porra, isso não entrava na minha cabeça. Então eu não quis nem saber e fiquei de fora".

A previsão de possível descontrole e baderna que envolvia a exibição do filme Ao balanço das horas deixava muitas autoridades de alerta, entre as quais o governador de São Paulo, Jânio Quadros. Na época, ele mandou um de seus famosos bilhetinhos, ordenando ao secretário de Segurança que "determinasse à polícia deter, sumariamente, colocando em carro de preso, os que promoverem cenas semelhantes; e, se forem menores, entregá-los ao honrado juiz". Pois o tal juiz de Menores, Aldo de Assis Dias, preferiu evitar maiores dores de cabeça e baixou logo uma portaria proibindo o filme de Bill Haley para menores de dezoito anos sob o argumento de que "o novo ritmo é excitante, frenético, alucinante e mesmo provocante, de estranha sensação e de trejeitos exageradamente imorais".

O fato é que, através do cinema, o rock "n" roll se espalhou pelo mundo, chegando até os ouvidos dos rapazes da turma da Tijuca

O rock pegou Erasmo ainda virgem musicalmente. Ao contrário de Roberto Carlos, que vinha de uma tradição romântica, fã de Tito Madi e de Dolores Duran, até então Erasmo não tinha maiores interesses musicais, a não ser pelas canções do caubói Bob Nelson no seu tempo de criança. Por isso o rock pegou mesmo Erasmo de jeito, e para sempre - o que não o tornou surdo para se encantar com a bossa nova quando essa surgiu logo depois.

Erasmo foi um daqueles de sensibilidade musical aguçada o suficiente para perceber de imediato a grandeza da arte de João Gilberto. Mas, para Erasmo, a bossa nova chegou um pouco atrasada: seu corpo e sua alma já estavam tomados pelo diabo do rock"n"roll.
E isto foi sacramentado quando repercutiu no Brasil a febre mundial pelo cantor Elvis Presley. (continua)

domingo, maio 27, 2007

Biografia proibida de Roberto Carlos conta a influência de Elvis Presley no Brasil

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Esta obra foi lançada em 2 de Dezembro de 2006. Oito dias depois, em 10 de Dezembro, Roberto Carlos aciona a justiça com dois processos, um contra a Editora e outro contra o Autor.
Em 27 de Abril de 2007, depois de audiência de conciliação na Vigésima Vara do Fórum Criminal de São Paulo, o cantor e compositor Roberto Carlos sai vitorioso nos dois processos.
A decisão final proíbe a edição e a venda do Livro em todo o Brasil.
Hoje, Roberto Carlos dará uma entrevista no Fantástico, da
Rede Globo, explicando porque retirou todos os exemplares das livrarias.
Estarei postando aqui, trechos do livro onde fala da influência de Elvis Presley na música brasileira.

sexta-feira, maio 25, 2007

Selo de "Guerra nas estrelas" pode prejudicar vendas de Elvis Presley

A L.A Convention Center dará uma festa de aniversário para comemorar durante quatro dias - de hoje a 28 de maio - os 30 anos do sucesso de "Guerra nas Estrelas", filme de George Lucas que influenciou a cultura pop de três décadas com as suas espadas a laser e seus robôs.
No dia 25 de maio os correios norte-americanos emitirão um folheto com 15 selos a 41 centavos de dólares dedicados aos filmes de George Lucas e, segundo os especialistas, é possível que esta venda prejudique as vendas dos selos a 29 centavos de dólares dedicados ao Elvis Presley.

quarta-feira, maio 23, 2007

Morre o compositor preferido de Elvis - BEN WEISMAN

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O compositor preferido de Elvis, BEN WEISMAN, faleceu ontem, dia 23 de maio, em Los Angeles, vítima de um derrame, aos 85 anos de idade.
Elvis o apreciava muito, tendo sido ele figura importante em sua carreira.
Ben, dentre outras, compôs: "Blue Hawaii”, “Jailhouse rock” e “GI blues”. Os singles “Fame and fortune” e “Follow that dream” também são de sua autoria.

Elvis na Alemanha

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Elvis Presley à serviço da Pátria - Revista Ilusão

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Put Your Hand In The Hand

Put your hand in the hand of the man
Who stilled the water
Put your hand in the hand of the man
Who calmed the sea
Take a look at yourself
And you can look at others differently
Put your hand in the hand of the man
From Galilee

My momma taught me how to pray
Before I reached the age of seven
When I’m down on my knees
That's when I’m closest to heaven
Daddy lived his life, two kids and a wife
Well you do what you must do
But he showed me enough of what it takes
To get me through, oh yeh!

Put your hand in the hand of the man
Who stilled the water
Put your hand in the hand of the man
Who calmed the sea
Take a look at yourself
And you can look at others differently
Put your hand in the hand of the man
From Galilee
Oh yeh!

Put your hand in the hand of the man
Who stilled the water
Put your hand in the hand of the man
Who calmed the sea
Take a look at yourself
And you can look at others differently
Put your hand in the hand of the man
From Galilee
Oh yeh!

Put your hand in the hand of the man
Who stilled the water
Put your hand in the hand of the man
Who calmed the sea
Take a look at yourself
And you can look at others differently
Put your hand in the hand of the man
From Galilee
Oh yeh!
Put your hand in the hand of the man from Galilee
Put your hand in the hand of the man from Galilee, Oh yeh!

Written by MClellan

Put The Blame On Me

If they say we were doin' wrong
If they say we were out too long
Well, you can say
My arms were just too strong
Put the blame, put the blame on me

Felt so good when I held you tight
Couldn't stop when we kissed goodnight
So if they tell us we don't heave the right
Put the blame, put the blame on me

What I feel is deep inside
This is real and I won't hide
Go ahead, use my name
I'll be proud to take the blame

You just did what I made you do
You love me and I love you
So if the way they talk can bother you
Put the blame, put the blame on me

Written by Wise, Blagman and Twowey

Puppet On A String

Every time you look at me
I,m as helpless as can be
I become a puppet on a string
You can do 'most anything to me

All you do is touch my hand
And your wish is my command
I become a puppet on a string
You can do 'most anything to me

If you really love me
Darling please be kind
I offer you the truest love
That you will ever find

Take my heart and please be fair
Handle it with loving care
For I'm just a puppet on a string
You can do 'most anything to me

If you really love me
Darling please be kind
I offer you the truest love
That you will ever find

Take my heart and please be fair
Handle it with loving care
For I'm just a puppet on a string
You can do 'most anything to me
You can do 'most anything to me

Written by Bennett and Tepper

Proud Mary

Left a good job in the city
Workin' for the man every night and day
Haven't ever lost one minute of sleeping
Worried about the way things might have been

A big wheel keeps on turnin'
Proud Mary keeps on burnin', rollin', rollin'
Rollin' on a river
Rollin, rollin, rollin on a river

If you come down to the river
I betcha you're gonna find some people who live
You don't have to worry
'Cause you have no money
People along the river are happy to give

I said a big wheel keeps on turnin'
Proud Mary keeps on burnin', rollin', rollin'
Rollin' on a river
Rollin', rollin', rollin' on a river

Written by John Foggerty

Promised Land

I left my home in Norfolk Virginia
California on my mind
I straddled that Greyhound
And rode into Raleigh
And on across Caroline

We had motor trouble that turn into a struggle
Halfway across Alabam'
And that hound broke down and left us all stranded
In downtown Birmingham

Right away I brought me a through train ticket
Ridin' across Mississippi clean
And I was on that midnight flyer out of Birmingham
Smoking into New Orleans

Somebody help me get out of Louisiana
Just to help me get to Houston Town
There are people there who care a little about me
And they won't let the poor boy down

Sure as you're born brought me a silk suit
Put luggage in my hand
And I woke up high over Alberquerque
On a jet to the promised land

Working on a T-bone steak a la carte
Flying over to the golden state
Ah when the pilot told us in thirteen minutes
He would set us at the terminal gate

Swing low chariot come down easy
Taxi to the terminal zone
Cut your engines and cool your wings
And let me make it to the telephone

Los Angeles give me Norfolk Virginia
Tidewater four ten o nine
Tell the folks back home this is the promised land calling
And the poor boy is on the line

Working on a T-bone steak a la carte
Flying over to the golden state
Ah when the pilot told us in thirteen minutes
He would set us at the terminal gate

Written by Chuck Berry

Power Of My Love

Oh break it, burn it, drag it all around
Twist it, turn it, you can't tear it down
Cos' every minute, every hour you'll be shaken
By the strength and mighty power of my love

Crush it, kick it, you can never win
I know baby you can't lick it
I'll make you give in
Every minute, every hour you'll be shaken
By the strength and mighty power of my love

Baby I want you, you'll never get away
My love will haunt you yes haunt you night and day
Touch it, pound it, what good does it do
There's just no stoppin' the way I feel for you
Cos' every minute, every hour you'll be shaken
By the strength and mighty power of my love

Yeh, yeh, baby I want you, you'll never get away
My love will haunt you yes haunt you night and day
Touch it, pound it, what good does it do
There's just no stoppin' the way I feel for you
Cos' every minute, every hour you'll be shaken
By the strength and mighty power of my love

I said every minute, every hour you'll be shaken
By the strength and mighty power of my love

Every minute, every hour you'll be shaken
By the strength and mighty power of my love

Written by Giant, Baum and Kaye

Poor Boy

They call me poor boy, poor boy, poor boy
But I ain't lonesome and I ain't blue
'Cause I could never be a poor boy
As long as I’ve got a dolly like you

Ain't got a crust, ain't got a cent
Can't buy a jug, can't pay the rent
I got a heartfull of dreams
And a lot of memories
And that's enough for me

Can't buy a house, can't buy a lot
Ain't got a bean, I ain't got a pot
But what I got is a heartfull of
Love and memories
And that's enough for me

Don't have a pig, don't have a cow
I don't have a horse to pull a plow
But what I got is a heartfull of
Love and memories
And that's enough for me

Written by Vera Matson and Elvis Presley

Polk Salad Annie

Some of you all never been down South too much...
I' gonna tell you a little story, so you'll understand where I'm talking about
Down there we have a plant that grows out in the woods and the fields,
and it looks something like a turnip green.
Everybody calls it Polk salad. Now that's Polk salad.
Used to know a girl that lived down there and
she'd go out in the evenings to pick a mess of it...
Carry it home and cook it for supper, 'cause that's about all they had to eat,
But they did all right.

Down in Louisiana
Where the alligators grow so mean
Lived a girl that I swear to the world
Made the alligators look tame

Polk salad Annie
'Gators got your granny
Everybody said it was a shame
For the mama was working on the chain-gang
What a mean, vicious woman

Everyday before suppertime
She'd go down by the truck patch
And pick her a mess of Polk salad
And carry it home in a tote sack

Polk salad Annie
'Gators got you granny
Everybody said it was a shame
'Cause the mama was working on the chain-gang
Whoo, how wretched, dispiteful, straight-razor totin' woman,
Lord have mercy.

Sock a little Polk salad to him
Yeah, you know what, yeah, yeah

But daddy was a lazy and a no-count
Claimed he had a bad back
All her brothers were fit for
Was stealing watermelons out of my truck

For once Polk salad Annie
'Gators got your granny
Everybody said it was a shame
For the mama was working on the chain-gang

Sock a little Polk salad to him
You know what meets a meal mention
You sock a little
Hey, hey, hey, yeah, yeah
Chic a bon, chic a bon, chic a bon bon bon bon
Chic a bon, chic a bon, chic a bon bon bon bon
Sock a little Polk salad to him
You know what meets a meal mention
Sock a little Polk salad to him
You know what meets a meal mention
Chinc, chinc, chinc, chin, ling, ling ling

Written by Tony White

Poison Ivy League

Hail to thee old ivy league
Poison ivy league
The ra-ra boys are sitting round the table tonight
The ra-ra boys have lots of plans in view
They're gonna have panty raids
And make their own lemonade
They'll live it up just like the big boys do

Poison ivy league, boys in that ivy league
Give me an itch, those sons of the rich
That poison ivy league

The ra-ra boys will go to bed so early tonight
Before exams they need a lot of rest
They gotta make good for dad
They gotta make good so bad
They'll even pay someone to take that test

Poison ivy league, boys in that ivy league
How can they flunk, they're so full of bunk
That poison ivy league

The ra-ra boys are being groomed for business some day
For better things to college they were sent
And you can bet they'll be the head of the company
As long as dear old daddy's president

Poison ivy league, boys in that ivy league
So loaded with cash, they give me a rash
That poison ivy league

So let it be told
I won't touch them with a ten foot pole
That poison Ivy league

Written by Giant, Baum and Kaye

Pocketful Of Miracles

I don't worry
Whenever skies are gray above
Got a pocketful of rainbows
Got a heart full of love

Mister Heartache
I've found a way to make him leave
Got a pocketful of rainbows
Got a star up in my sleeve

Kiss me extra tender
Hold me extra tight
'Cause I'm savin' your sweetness
For a lonely night, aye
Aye, aye, aye, aye, aye, aye, aye, aye

No more teardrops
Now that I've found a love so true
I got a pocketful of rainbows
Got an armful of you

Kiss me extra tender
Hold me extra tight
'Cause I'm savin' your sweetness
For a lonely night, aye
Aye, aye, aye, aye, aye, aye, aye, aye

No more heartaches
Now that I've found a love so true
Got a pocketful of rainbows
And an armful of you


Written by Weisman and Wise

terça-feira, maio 22, 2007

Pledging My Love

Forever my darling our love will be true
Always and forever I’ll love only you

Just promise me darling
Your love in return
May this fire in my soul dear
Forever burn

My heart's at your command dear
To keep, love and to hold
Making you happy's my desire
Keeping you is my goal

Forever I'll love you
for the rest of my days
I’ll never part from you
or your loving ways

Just promise me darling
Your love in return
May this fire in my soul dear
Forever burn

My heart's at your command dear
To keep, love and to hold
Making you happy's my desire
Loving you is my goal

Forever I'll love you
for the rest of my days
I’ll never part from you
or your loving ways

Just promise me darling
Your love in return
May this fire in my soul dear
Forever burn

Written by Robey and Washington

Please Don't Stop Loving Me

Please don't stop loving me
You were born just to be in my arms
In my arms
Please don't stop loving me
Your lips were made just to be kissed by me
Kissed by me

When I'm with you
I don't know day from night, wrong from right
You are my world, that's all I know
I love you so, I won't let go

Please don't stop loving me
Darling you'll always be mine alone
Mine alone

Written by Joe Byers

Please Don't Drag That String Around

You like to keep me dangling on a string
'Cause you know without you my life don't mean a thing

So I beg you
Please don't drag that string around, oh no
Well, what if it should break
Oh, tell me, what would I do then
Keep that string up off the ground
Oh, yeah, remember my heart is tied to the other end

Yes, I’m your puppet, my heart is in your hand
One twist of the wrist and I jump to your command

So I beg you
Please don't drag that string around, oh no
Well, what if it should break
What would I do then
Baby, keep that string up off the ground
Oh, yeah, remember my heart is tied to the other end

I feel inside me, as sure as anything
One day I’ll mean more to you than a puppet on a string

So I beg you
Please don't drag that string around, oh no
Well, what if it should break
Oh, tell me, what would I do then
Keep that string up off the ground
Oh, yeah, remember my heart is tied to the other end

Written by Blackwell and Scott

Playing For Keeps

I'm playin' for keeps
This time it's real
And I want you to know
Exactly how I feel
I'm playin' for keeps
I'm sure this time
And I won't be happy
Until I know you're mine

There have been others
That could love me true
But no one else can thrill me like you do
I'm playin' for keeps
Oh love me too
Oh, don't make me sorry
That I fell in love with you

There have been others
That could love me true
But no one else can thrill me like you do
I'm playin' for keeps
Oh love me too
Oh, don't make me sorry
That I fell in love with you

Written by Kessler

Plantation Rock

Now come along with me
We'll do the plantation rock
It's easy as can be
You'll wanna dance round the clock
Well it became a sensation
Rockin' on the plantation
Dancin' in the fields down to each dock
Now do the plantation rock

So come on bend your knees
Twist with ease side to side
Like the swaying trees keep in rhythm
Now have some pep double step
Shake right there like a rockin' chair
And stay with them

Well now you're right at home
Doin' the plantation rock
Just do it as you were shown
You'll wanna dance round the clock

Well just like on the plantation
Folks all over the nation
Started rockin' on each street and block
Gonna do the plantation rock
Do the plantation rock
Do the plantation rock
Do the plantation rock

Written by Giant, Baum and Kaye

Pieces Of My Life

A water glass full of whiskey
And women that I never knew too well
Lord, the things I've seen and done
Most of which I'd be ashamed to tell

I don't know how it started
But that's what makes a man a man, I guess
Now I'm holdin' on to nothing'
Tryin' to forget the rest

I'm lookin' back on my life
To see if I can find the pieces
I know that some were stolen
And some just blew away
Well, I found the bad parts
Found all the sad parts
But I guess I threw the best part away

Lord, the pieces of my life,
They're everywhere, they're everywhere
And the one I think I miss most of all
Is you and you know who

Written by Troy Seals

Petunia The Gardener's Daughter

I've gotta gal, oh what a pal
The apple of my eye
With something rare, a peach of a pear
But her dad won't let us meet and I could die

I love Petunia the gardener's daughter
Oooh how that gal can kiss
Her eyes are blue as bluebells
Each cheek a rose to see
How I dance when she plants her two lips on me
I'm as daffy as a daffodil
I long to kiss her all the time
Tonight I'll steal into her garden
And make Petunia's two lips mine

(I've got a beau, I love him so
The apple of my eye
With something rare, a peach of a pear
But my dad won't let us meet and I could die)

And we could die

I love Petunia the gardener's daughter
Oooh how that gal can kiss
(My eyes are blue as bluebells
Each cheek a rose to see)
How I dance when she plants her two lips on me

(He's as daffy as a daffodil
He loves to kiss me all the time)
Tonight I'll steal into her garden
And make Petunia's two lips mine

She makes other girls look just like weeds
(I'm gonna be his clinging vine)
Tonight I'll steal into her garden
And make Petunia's two lips
(My ever loving two lips)
Make Petunia's two lips mine

Written by Bennett and Tepper

Peace In The Valley

Oh well, I’m tired and so weary
But I must go alone
Till the lord comes and calls, calls me away, oh yes
Well the morning's so bright
And the lamp is alight
And the night, night is as black as the sea, oh yes

There will be peace in the valley for me, some day
There will be peace in the valley for me, oh Lord I pray
There'll be no sadness, no sorrow
No trouble, trouble I see
There will be peace in the valley for me, for me

Well the bear will be gentle
And the wolves will be tame
And the lion shall lay down by the lamb, oh yes
And the beasts from the wild
Shall be lit by a child
And I'll be changed, changed from this creature that I am, oh yes

There will be peace in the valley for me, some day
There will be peace in the valley for me, oh Lord I pray
There'll be no sadness, no sorrow
No trouble, trouble I see
There will be peace in the valley for me, for me

Written by Thomas Dorsey

Patch It Up

We've got to patch it up baby
Before we fall apart at the seams
We've got to patch it up baby
In the time we travel in our dreams
Let's go back and test it again
One more ride is all I ask
Get that feelin', that old feelin', it is here

We can patch it up baby,
We can patch it up baby,
We can patch it up baby,
Patch it up with all our dreams
We can patch it up baby,
Sweep out all the trouble of our heart
We've got to patch it up baby,
Before our difference pulls us apart

Let's go where the good luck lies
Let us give it one more try
Do you feel it? That old feelin'?
Do you feel it?

Written by Bourke and Rabbitt


I feel it in my leg,
I feel it in my shoe
Tell me pretty baby
If you think you feel it too
Let's have a party
Let's have a party
Send to the store
And let's buy some more
And let's have a party tonight

Some people like to rock
Some people like to roll
But movin' and a groovin'
Gonna satisfy my soul

I've never kissed a bear
I've never kissed a goon
But I can shake a chicken
In the middle of the room

Now Honky Tonky Joe
Is knockin' at the door
Bring him in and fill him up
And set him on the floor

Written by Jessie Robinson


When you looked into my eyes
I stood there like I was hyp-notised
You sent a feeling to my spine
A feeling warm and smooth and fine
But all I could do were stand there paralyzed
When we kissed, ooh what a thrill
You took my hand and, ooh baby, what a chill
I felt like grabbin' you real tight
Squeeze and squeeze with all my might
But all I could do were stand there paralyzed

Oh yeah lucky me, I’m singing ev'ry day
Ever since that day you came my way
You made my life for me just one big happy game
I'm gay ev'ry morning
At night I’m still the same
Do you remember that wonderful time
You held my hand and swore that you'll be mine
In front of preacher you said
"I do" I couldn't say a word for thinking of you
All I could do was stand there paralyzed

Written by Otis Blackwell and Elvis Presley

Paradise, Hawaiian Style

Hawaii, U.S.A., Hawaii..U.S.A..
We're flyin', comin' your way
Aloha, Hawaii U.S.A.

Gee it's great, to be in that fiftieth state
The land of enchanted dreams
What an isle, where it's heaven tropical style
Where love weaves a spell, it seems

Hawaii, U.S.A., Hawaii..U.S.A..
We're flyin', comin' your way
Aloha, Hawaii U.S.A.

Gee what fun, just to swim and surf in the sun
While the trade winds caress the sea
What a sight, those exotic scenes of delight
Are waiting for you and me

Hawaii, U.S.A....Hawaii...U.S.A...Hawaii..U.S.A....

Written by Baum, Kaye and Giant

Casamento "Love me tender"

Mais no esquema drive thru, o casamento em Las Vegas é uma loucura e tanto. E você ainda terá algo em comum com uma lista de famosos que vai de Elvis Presley a Pelé, passando pela bonitona Cindy Crawford.
A cidade tem 200 capelas de casamentos rápidos. O porquê de tanta fama? Não há burocracia para se casar no Estado de Nevada. Basta apresentar os passaportes e pagar a licença (US$ 55). Para validar a união no Brasil, os noivos devem procurar o consulado brasileiro em Los Angeles (8484 Wilshire Blvd., 711/730, Beverly Hills; 00--1-323-651-2664) e seguir as recomendações para traduzir e autenticar o documento.
A graça de Vegas é poder casar da maneira que você sonhou. Fãs de Elvis têm a opção do pacote Love Me Tender (US$ 999), na LaBella Wedding Chapel com direito a cover do ídolo. Há, ainda, casamentos no Grand Canyon - a noiva chega de helicóptero, carruagem ou limusine.

segunda-feira, maio 21, 2007

Elvis Presley ( hound dog ) sound edit djf

Only The Strong Survive

I remember my first love affair
Somehow or another the whole darn thing went wrong
My mamma had some great advice
So I thought I'd put it into words of this song
I can still hear her sayin' it

Boy, Oh, I see you're sittin' out there all alone
Cryin' your eyes out 'cos the woman that you love has gone
Oh, there's gonna be, there's gonna be a whole lot of trouble in your life
Oh, so listen to me get up off your knees 'cos only the strong survive
That's what she said, only the strong survive
Only the strong survive,
Oh you've got to be strong, you'd better hold on
Don't go all around with your head hung down
Well I wouldn't let that little girl
No, I wouldn't let her know that she made me feel like a clown
There's a whole lot a girls lookin' for a good man like you
Oh but you'll never meet 'em if you give up now and say that your life is through
Yes she said: Only the strong survive, only the strong survive,
You've got to be a man, you've got to take a stand

Only the strong survive, only the strong survive,
Oh, you've got to be strong, you'd better hold on
'Cos only the strong survive
Only the strong survive, only the strong survive,
Well, you've got to be a man, you've got to take a stand
Only the strong survive, only the strong survive

Written by Butler, Gamble and Huff

Only Believe

Lordy only believe, only believe
All things are possible
If you'll only believe
My Lordy, only believe, yes only believe
All things are possible
If you'll only believe

I met God one morning my soul feeling bad
Heart heavy laden I felt fire doubt ahead
Well He lifted all my burdens, yeh! right now I'm feeling glad
All things are possible
If you'll only believe

I believe, yeh! I believe,
All things are possible
If you'll only believe

Written by Rader

One Track Heart

Just like an old grandfather's clock that won't stop running
Like an old racehorse that just wont ever quit
There'll be no end to loving you
Nothing can stop me once I start
'Cos I'm a one track mind and a one track heart

Well I'm as stubborn as a mule I just won't let up
Like an old bloodhound Ill hang around your trail
There'll be no end to loving you
Don't try to stop me if you're smart
'Cos I'm a one track mind and a one track heart

Oooo- eeeee there'll be no turning back
Oooo- eeeee I'm gonna stay on your track
Just like a choo-choo train that's gotta keep a-chugging
You'll find that I'm the kind who sticks to what I do
There'll be no end to loving you, baby we'll never be apart
'Cos I'm a one track mind and a one track heart

Oooo- eeeee there'll be no turning back
Oooo- eeeee I'm gonna stay on your track
Just like a choo-choo train that's gotta keep a-chugging
You'll find that I'm the kind who sticks to what I do
There'll be no end to loving you, baby we'll never be apart
'Cos I'm a one track mind and a one track heart

Written by Giant, Baum and Kaye

One-Sided Love Affair

If you want to be loved,
Baby, you've got to love me, too.
If you want to be loved,
Baby, you've got to love me, too.
Oh yeah, 'cause I ain't for no one-sided love affair.

If you wanna be kissed,
Well, you've gotta kiss me, too.
Oh yeah, if you wanna be kissed,
Well, you gotta kiss me, too.
'Cause I ain't for no one-sided love affair.

Well, fair exchange bears no robbery,
And the whole world will know that it's true.
Understanding solves all problems, baby,
That's why I'm telling you

If you wanna be hugged,
Well, you gotta hug me, too.
Oh yeah, if you wanna be hugged,
Well, you've gotta hug me, too.
Yeah, 'cause I ain't for no one-sided love affair.

If you know you can't take it,
Baby, why try to give it?
If you know you can't take it,
Then baby, why try to give it?
'Cause I ain't for no one-sided love affair.

Well, fair exchange bears no robbery,
And the whole world will know that it's true.
Understanding solves all problems, baby,
That's why I'm telling you

If you wanna be hugged,
Well, you gotta hug me, too.
Oh yeah, if you wanna be hugged,
Baby, you gotta hug me, too.
'Cause I ain't for no one-sided love affair.

'Cause I ain't for no one-sided love affair.
'Cause I ain't for no one-sided love affair.

Written by Bill Campbell

One Night Of Sin

One night of sin, yeah
Is what I'm now paying for
The things I did and I saw
Would make the earth stand still

Don't call my name
It makes me feel so ashamed
I lost my sweet helping hand
I got myself to blame

Always lived, very quiet life
Ain't never did no wrong
But now I know that very quiet life
Has cost me nothing but harm

One night of sin, yeah
Is what I'm now paying for
The things I did and I saw
Would make the earth stand still

Always lived, very quiet life
Ain't never did no wrong
But now I know that very quiet life
Has cost me nothing but harm

One night of sin, yeah
Is what I'm now paying for
The things I did and I saw
Would make the earth stand still

Written by King and Bartholamew

One Night

One night with you
Is what I'm now praying for
The things that we two could plan
Would make my dreams come true

Just call my name
And I'll be right by your side
I want your sweet helping hand
My loves too strong to hide

Always lived, very quiet life
I ain't never did no wrong
Now I know that life without you
Has been too lonely too long

One night with you
Is what I'm now praying for
The things that we two could plan
Would make my dreams come true

Always lived, very quiet life
I ain't never did no wrong
Now I know that life without you
Has been too lonely too long

One night with you
Is what I'm now praying for
The things that we two could plan
Would make my dreams come true

Written by King and Bartholamew

One Broken Heart For Sale

Who wants to buy a heart
One broken lover's heart
One broken heart for sale

Well, excuse me if you see me crying like a baby
Since she rejected me
There's nothing left to save me

Hey Cupid, where are you?
My heart is growing sadder
That girl rejected me
Just when I thought I had her

She would not listen to the things my heart was saying
She turned and walked away
And told me I was playing

Some guys have all the luck
And my heart hasn't any
I think I'll paint a sign
For sale for a penny

Written by Blackwell and Scott

One Boy Two Little Girls

One boy, two little girls
Three hearts yearning for love
Although it's hard to explain
I know it may sound insane
But this one boy loves two little girls
Folks say three is a crowd
To each boy, one girl's allowed
But right now I'm having such fun
I just can't give up either one
'Cos this one boy loves two little girls.

There will come a time, I'll have to settle down
But until that time I love two girls hanging around
Now one day I must decide which one I'll choose for my bride
But till we three must part
I've twice as much love in my heart
'Cos this one boy loves two little girls

Written by Baum, Kaye and Giant

Once Is Enough

All you got is one life
Living once can be rough
But if you live every day all the way
Once is enough

You can own just one suit
Worn and torn at the cuff
But if you're livin' the life that you love
Once is enough

What's the good of reaching ninety
If you waste eighty-nine
You got one life so live it
If you don't it's a crime

Life's a playful puppy
You can grab by the scruff
And if you live every sec' what the heck
Once is enough

Never wait until tomorrow
What if it never comes
Life is a seven layer
Don't you settle for crumbs

Life's a playful puppy
You can grab by the scruff
And if you live every sec' what the heck
Once is enough
And if you live every sec' what the heck
Once is enough
And if you live every sec' what the heck
Once is enough

Written by Bennett and Tepper

On A Snowy Christmas Night

Midnights prayers so softly whispered in
A Cathedral's candle light
Bring the message of the holidays
On a snowy Christmas night

Holly reeds and hidden mistletoe
Symbols of the seasons might
Joyful faces everywhere you go
On a snowy Christmas night

Give thanks for all you've been blessed with
And hold your loved ones tight
For you know the Lord's been good to you
On a snowy Christmas night

Mother Nature wears a bridal gown
For the world is dressed in white
There's a silent glow that fills the earth
On a snowy Christmas night

For you know the Lord's been good to you
On a snowy Christmas night

Written by Stanley Gelber

O Little Town Of Bethlehem

Oh little town of Bethlehem, how still we see thee lie
Above thy deep and dreamless sleep the silent stars go by
Yet in thy dark streets shineth, the everlasting light
The hopes and fears of all the years are met in thee tonight.

For Christ is born of Mary, and gathered all above
While mortals sleep the angels keep their watch of wondering love
Oh morning stars together, proclaim thy holy birth.
And praises sing to God the king, and peace to men on earth.

Oh little town of Bethlehem, how still we see thee lie
Above thy deep and dreamless sleep the silent stars go by
Yet in thy dark streets shineth, the everlasting light
The hopes and fears of all the years are met in thee tonight.

Old Shep

When I was a lad
And old Shep was a pup
Over hills and meadows we'd stray
Just a boy and his dog
We were both full of fun
We grew up together that way

I remember the time at the old swimmin' hold
When I would have drowned beyond doubt
But old Shep was right there
To the rescue he came
He jumped in and then pulled me out

As the years fast did roll
Old Shep he grew old
His eyes were fast growing dim
And one day the doctor looked at me and said
I can do no more for him Jim

With hands that were trembling
I picked up my gun
And aimed it at Shep's faithful head
I just couldn't do it
I wanted to run
I wish they would shoot me instead

He came to my side
And looked up at me
And laid his old head on my knee
I had struck the best friend that a man ever had
I cried so I scarcely could see

Old Shep he has gone
Where the good doggies go
And no more with old Shep will I roam
But if dogs have a heaven
There's one thing I know
Old Shep has a wonderful home

Written by Foley and Westpar

Old MacDonald

Old Macdonald had a farm, ee-i-ee-i-o
And on that farm he had some chicks, ee-i-ee-i-o
With a cluck, cluck here, a cluck, cluck there
Loud as they could be
And when those chicks got out of line
Chicken fricasse
With a cluck, cluck here, a cluck, cluck there
Loud as they could be
And when those chicks got out of line
Chicken fricasse

Well, Old Macdonald had a farm, ee-i-ee-i-o
And on that farm he had some cows, ee-i-ee-i-o
With a moo, moo here, a moo, moo there
Cattle everywhere
And when those cows got out of line
Hamburger, medium rare
With a moo, moo here, a moo, moo there
Cattle everywhere
And when those cows got out of line
Hamburger, medium rare

Ohh, Well, Old Macdonald had a farm, ee-i-ee-i-o
And on that farm he had some pigs, ee-i-ee-i-o
With an oink, oink here, an oink, oink there
Pigs everywhere in sight
And when those pigs got out of line
Pork and beans at night
With an oink, oink here, an oink, oink there
Pigs everywhere in sight
And when those pigs got out of line
Pork and beans at night

Well I'm goona have a farm one day, ee-i-e-i-o
And I'll do things McDonalds way, ee-i-e-i-o
With a cluck, cluck here, a cluck, cluck there
A moo, moo here, a moo, moo there
An oink, oink here, an oink, oink there
And I can promise you
If those animals ever get out of line
We'll have a mulligan stew
How about you?

Written by Randy Starr

Oh How I Love Jesus

Ohh oh oh oh
When I am disgraced
And I feel the gloom
God sends His angel
To see Him my broom
Joy bells are ringing
I'm satisfied
I know, I know that Jesus is mine
Oh, how I love Jesus
Oh, how I love Jesus
Oh, how I love Jesus
To know that Jesus is mine

Oh, how I love Jesus
Oh, how I love Jesus
Oh, how I love Jesus
To know that Jesus is mine


Only just a two-bit town
Where nothing's real
They treat me like a country clown

I ain't gonna keep-a-hangin' round'
The doors keep slammin' in my face
People keep puttin' me in my place

It's a rat's race at a snail's pace


Written by Davis and Strange

No Room To Rhumba In A Sports Car

This was gonna be the night tonight
I was gonna get to hold you tight
But I guess we didn't plan it right
I never stood a chance, we couldn't dance

Cause there's , no room to rhumba in a sports car
You can't move forward or back
There's no room to do what the beat tells you to
Without throwing your spine outta wack

When a little kiss I want to steal
I hit my head against the steering wheel
Now I know the way a pretzel feels
All I can do is shout...Hey let me out!!

Cause there's , no room to rhumba in a sports car
You can't move forward or back
There's no room to do what the beat tells you to
Without throwing your spine outta wack

What a way to waste a day with you
Nothing happens that can tell the truth
Let's go out and find a telephone booth
Yeah that's a better place, I like more space

Cause there's , no room to rhumba in a sports car
You can't move forward or back
There's no room to do what the beat tells you to
Without throwing your spine outta wack

Written by Wise and Manning

No More

No more do I see the starlight caress your hair
No more feel the tender kisses we used to share
I close my eyes and clearly my heart remembers
A thousand good-byes could never put out the embers

Darling I love you so and my heart forever
Will belong to the memory of the love that we knew before
Please come back to my arms, we belong together
Come to me let's be sweethearts again and then let us part no more.

No more do I feel the touch of your hand on mine
No more see the lovelight making your dark eyes shine
Oh how I wish I never had caused you sorrow
But don't ever say for us there is no tomorrow

Darling I love you so and my heart forever
Will belong to the memory of the love that we knew before
Please come back to my arms, we belong together
Come to me let's be sweethearts again and then let us part no more.

Written by Robertson and Blair

Night Rider

Night rider, night rider
You may think that it's the breeze
Whispering through the lonely trees
But it's only him a'flying round the bend
As the day comes to that end

Night rider, night rider
He came riding to town
As the sun was going down
Saw my baby and he smiled her heart away
Now what will I do today

Cautioned my baby to stay at home
Not to leave mama's side
She laughed when I told her take care, take care
Or you'll share in his midnight ride

Night rider, night rider
Since he stole around the side
I ain't had no peace of mind
Night rider, won't you let my baby be
Come on, send her back to me

Written by Pomus and Shuman

Night Life

Oh the neons are a gleamin' and the gamblers are a dreamin'
Oh it's night life, yeh! night life
The chips are a spillin' and it's time to make a killin'
Oh it's night life, yeh! night life
Oh the pockets are a-burnin' and the money flies
With dice roll a-turnin' and you'll hit snakes eyes
You can't be a quitter when you're caught up in the glitter of
Night life night life

There're long legged women who will take you for a trimmin' yes it's night life
Oh night life.
Their lips taste like honey but they're out to spend your money
Yes it's night life. Oh yeh!
Just roll that seven and you'll hear them shriek
When seven come eleven it's a lucky streak
You can't beat the drama, the excitement and the glamour
Of the night life, I said that night life

So place your bet, come on make your play
Though you may regret it at the break of day
I said you can't be a quitter when you're caught up in the glitter of
Night life night life
Yeh! that night life, good ol' night life
Night life, yes, yes, night life, oh night life

Written by Baum, Giant and Kaye

New Orleans

You'll never know
What heaven means
Until you've been down to New Orleans
You ain't been livin' till you cuddle and coo
With some black-eyed baby by de old bayou

You've never seen
You've never seen those Cupid doll queens
Like they got 'em in New Orleans
And, ooh, they love you like no-one can
It makes you awful glad that you were born a man.

If-if-if you ain't been there
Then you ain't been nowhere
The livin's lazy and the lovin's fine
If you feel low down
So help me Hannah
You should lose the blues in Loui-si-i-si-ana.

Get the lead
Get the lead out of your jeans
And hot foot it down, hot foot down to where?
New Orleans
Louisiana baby tells you stay awhile
Live it up, love it up, southern style
Way down in New New Orleans.

Written by Bennett and Tepper

Never Say Yes

Look out now I'm runnin' wild
There ain't no holding back this child
I guess you'd say I'm a son of a gun
Livin' just for a life of fun
Here's the secret of my success
Never say yes. No, no, never say yes

Life has taught me one big lesson
Always keep the girlies guessin'
Tell 'em that you love them so
You hate to leave but you gotta go
That's the secret of my success
Never say yes. No, no, never say yes

It's the oldest scheme in the world
And you gotta know how to play it
Tell her yes in so many ways
And never ever say it
That's how I keep goin' on
Here today tomorrow gone
That's the kind of life for me
Being free like I want to be
Here's the secret of my success
Never say yes. No, no, never say yes

It's the oldest scheme in the world
And you gotta know how to play it
Tell her yes in so many ways
And never ever say it
That's how I keep goin' on
Here today tomorrow gone
That's the kind of life for me
Being free like I want to be
Here's the secret of my success
Never say yes. No, no, never say yes
No, no, never say yes

Written by Pomus and Shuman

Never Ending

Walk down to the beach at sunset
Look as far as you can see
You will find that endless ocean
And that's how my love will always be

I bring you never ending, never ending
never ending, never ending
never ending, never ending love

Look up at the sky at midnight
Gaze up on the starlit view
Just as heaven has no boundaries
Neither does my love for you

I bring you never ending, never ending
never ending, never ending
never ending, never ending love
Never ending love
Never ending love
Never ending love
Never ending love

Written by Kaye and Springer

Never Been To Spain

Well I've never been to Spain
But I kind of like the music
Say the ladies are insane there
And they sure know how to use it
The don't abuse it
Never gonna loose it
I can't refuse it

Well, I've never been to England
But I kind of like the Beatles
So I headed for Las Vegas
Only made it out to Lido's
Can you feel it
Must be weary
Oh so good... oh feel so good

Well I've never been to heaven
But I've been in Oklahoma
Well, they tell me I was born there
But I really don't remember
In Oklahoma or Arizona
What does it matter
What does it matter

Hoyt Axton

Never Again

I hope I never ever love anyone this much again
I can't take it anymore, I’ve been hurt before
Never ever quite like this time

What will become of me when you're no longer here
If I can't stop loving you, what am I to do
You'll be free but where will I be

Now that I’m used to love, how can I stand alone
Now that love has come and gone, like the ending of a song
A song my lonely heart keeps singing

Where do I go from here, will I get over you
If so, next time I’ll be smart, I’ll know before I start
A heart that don't care, don't get broken

I hope I never ever love anyone this much again
Never ever, never again
Never again

Written by Chesnut and Wheeler

My Wish Came True

My wish came true
When I met you
I've searched and searched
My whole life through

There's just one thing
Dear before we start
Don't say you care
Then break my heart

When you speak of love
Please be sincere
For if you play with love
It can bring tears my dear

My wish came true
To my surprise
When you stood there before my eyes

And when my heart
Started beating fast
T'was then I knew
I found true love at last

Words and Music By Hunter

My Way

And now the end is near
So I face the final curtain
My friend, I'll say it clear
I'll state my case of which I'm certain

I've lived a life that's full
I've traveled each and every highway
And more, much more than this
I did it my way

Regrets, I've had a few
But then again, too few to mention
I did what I had to do
And saw it through without exception

I planned each charted course
Each careful step along the byway
Oh, and more, much more than this
I did it my way

Yes, there were times, I'm sure you know
When I bit off more than I could chew
But through it all when there was doubt
I ate it up and spit it out
I faced it all and I stood tall
And did it my way

I've loved, I've laughed and cried
I've had my fails, my share of losing
And now as tears subside
I find it all so amusing
To think I did all that
And may I say, not in a shy way
Oh, no, no not me
I did it my way

For what is a man, what has he got
If not himself, then he has not
To say the words he truly feels
And not the words he would reveal
The record shows I took the blows
And did it my way
The record shows I took the blows
And did it my way

Written by Anka, Francois and Revaux

Mystery Train

Train I ride, sixteen coaches long
Train I ride, sixteen coaches long
Well that long black train got my baby and gone

Train train, comin' 'round, 'round the bend
Train train, comin' 'round the bend
Well it took my baby, but it never will again (no, not again)

Train train, comin' down, down the line
Train train, comin' down the line
Well it's bringin' my baby, 'cause she's mine all, all mine
(She's mine, all, all mine)

Written by Parker and Phillips

My Little Friend

My warped and worried mind resortd
To wandering off to ponder things I never talk about
A pretty girl I used to know but wouldn't know if we met face to face
And defying every logic known

I wish all the time machine could take me back again
To the wonder of my first love, the old folks tease me 'bout
Referring to her only as my little friend
Somewhere far away and maybe not so far away

The child has grown into a woman of the world
I assume just knowing that she knew so much of life at such a tender age
I learned from her the whispered things the big boys at the pool hall talk about
The thrill and disappointment, fear and shame that first love brings
But oh, how I thought I loved my little friend

The fragrance of the green grass mingled with the scent of love and warming earth
The moonlight night I kissed and cried and swore I'd never touch another girl
But time moved fast and I moved on and I loved others time and time again
But with each time I thought of her and always gave a little more

Assembled love and rememberance for my little friend
Oh-oh-oh assembled love and rememberance for my little friend
Oh-oh-oh assembled love and rememberance for my little friend
Oh-oh-oh assembled love and rememberance for my little friend

Written by Shirle Merlete

My Heart Cries For You

If you're in Arizona, I'll follow you
If you're in Albuquerque, I'll be there too
We'll have a little chance to start a-new
Because my love is endless for you
My heart cries for you
Sighs for you, dies for you

My arms long for you
Please come back to me
An unimportant quarrel

Is what we had
We have to learn to live with the good and bad
Come together da da da la dum....
This loneliness is driving me mad

My heart cries for you
Sighs for you, dies for you
My arms long for you
Please come back to me

My heart cries for you
Sighs for you, dies for you
My arms long for you
Please come back to me
Please come back, come back, come back to me

Written by Sigman and Faith

My Happiness

Evening shadows make me blue
When each weary day is through
How I long to be with you
My happiness

Every day I reminesce
Dreaming of your tender kiss
Always thinking how I miss
My happiness

A million years it seems
Have gone by since we shared our dreams
But I'll hold you again
There'll be no blue memories then

Whether skies are grey or blue
Any place on earth will do
Just as long as I'm with you
My happiness

A million years it seems
Have gone by since we shared our dreams
But I'll hold you again
There'll be no blue memories then

Whether skies are grey or blue
Any place on earth will do
Just as long as I'm with you
My happiness

Written by Peterson and Bergentine

My Desert Serenade

Come here my serenade, my desert serenade
A lover's melody, to bring you close to me
It's a tender lullaby, born of golden sand and sky
The song is new, and it's calling you
Tonight beside the desert palms

Come let me take you in my arms
Come here my serenade, my desert serenade

Wherever lovers dwell, it weaves it's magic spell
Soon a thousand dreams will start,
And romance will fill your heart
My lips conceal, love that's warm and real

Give me a chance to hold you near
You'll see a brand new world appear
So come and hear, my desert serenade, my desert serenade,
My desert serenade

Written by Stan Gelber

My Boy

You're sleeping son, I know
But, really, this can't wait
I wanted to explain
Before it gets too late
For your mother and me
Love has finally died
This is no happy home
But God knows how I've tried

Because you're all I have, my boy
You are my life, my pride, my joy
And if I stay, I stay because of you, my boy

I know it's hard to understand
Why did we ever start?
We're more like strangers now
Each acting out a part
I have laughed, I have cried
I have lost every game
Taken all I can take
But I'll stay just the same

Because you're all I have, my boy
You are my life, my pride, my joy
And if I stay, I stay because of you, my boy
Sleep on, you haven't heard a word

Perhaps it's just as well
Why spoil your little dreams
Why put you through the hell
Life is no fairytale
As one day you will know
But now you're just a child
I'll stay her and watch you grow

Because you're all I have, my boy
You are my life, my pride, my joy
And if I stay, I stay because of you, my boy

Written by Francois, Martin, Coulter and Bourtayare

My Baby's Gone

Well, you're right, I'm left, she's gone.
You're right, and I'm left all alone.
Well, you tried to tell me so,
But how was I to know
That she was not the one for me?

You told me all along,
You're right, our love was so wrong.
But now I changed my mind,
Because she broke the ties that bind,
And I know that she never cared for me.

Well, I thought I knew just what she'd do,
I guess I'm not so smart.
Oh, you tried to tell me along she'd only break my heart.

I'm left, you're right, she's gone.
You're right, and I'm left all alone.
Well, she's gone I know not where,
But now I just don't care.

For now I'm falling for you.
If you'll forgive me now,
I'll make it up somehow.
So happy we will be,
In a home just for three,
And I'll soon forget her,
Now I know.

Well, I thought I knew just what she'd do,
I guess I'm not so smart.
You tried to tell me all along,
She'd only break my heart.

Well, you're right, I'm left, she's gone.
You're right, and I'm left all alone.
Well, she's gone, I know not where,
But now I just don't care,
For now I've fallen for you.

Written by Kessler and Tabler

My Baby Left Me

Yes my baby left me,
never said a word.
Was it something I done,
something that she heard?

My baby left me,
my baby left me.
My baby even left me,
never said a word.

Now I stand at my window,
wring my hands and cry.
I hate to lose that woman,
hate to say goodbye.

You know she left me,
yes, she left me.
My baby even left me,
never said a word.

Baby, one of these mornings,
Lord, it won't be long,
You'll look for me and,
Baby, and daddy he'll be gone.

You know you left me,
you know you left me.
My baby even left me,
never said a word.

Written by Arthur Crudup

My Babe

Well, my babe don't stand no cheating, my babe
Well, my babe don't stand no cheating, my babe
You know, my babe don't stand no cheating
She don't, she don't, she don't, oh, God
My babe, I know she loves me, my babe

Well, my babe, I know she loves me, my babe
Well, my babe, I know she loves me, my babe
Well, my babe, I know she loves me
She don't do nothing but kiss and love me
My babe, I know she loves me, my babe

Written by Leiber and Stoller

Mr. Songman

Here's another dime for you, Mr. Songman
Sing the loneliness of broken dreams away, if you can
Yes it's only me and you, Mr. Songman
Take away the night sing away my hurt, Mr. Songman

In your ivory covered house, safe behind your walls of glass
You keep staring back at me like a memory from the past
Won't you sing me away to a summer night
Let me hold you in my arms again
I know memory's not re-living

But at least it's not the end
Here's another dime for you Mr. Songman
Sing the loneliness of broken dreams away, if you can
Yes it's only me and you, Mr. Songman

Won't you take away the night, sing away my hurt, Mr. Songman
Won't you sing me away to a summer night
Let me hold her in my arms again
Take away the night sing away my hurt, Mr. Songman

Written by Donnie Summer

Moonlight Swim

Let's go on a moonlight swim
Far away from the crowd
All alone upon the beach
Our lips and our arms
Close within each other's reach
Will be on a moonlight swim

Let's go on a moonlight swim
To the raft we can race
After just a little while
I'll sit and pretend
That you're on a desert isle
With me on a moonlight swim

Though the air is cold
With kisses oh so sweet
I'll keep you warm
So very warm from head to you feet

Let's go on a moonlight swim
We're in love and above
There's a crazy balloon
That sits winking down
And inviting us to come on in
On a moonlight swim

Written by Weisman and Dee

Moody Blue

Well, it's hard to be a gambler
Bettin' on the number
That changes ev'ry time
Well, you think you're gonna win
Think she's givin' in
A stranger's all you find
Yeah, it's hard to figure out
What she's all about
That she's a woman through and through
She's a complicated lady, so color my baby moody blue,

Oh, Moody blue
Tell me am I gettin' through
I keep hangin' on
Try to learn the song
But I never do
Oh, Moody blue,
Tell me who I'm talkin' to
You're like the night and day
And it's hard to say
Which one is you.

Well, when Monday comes she's Tuesday,
When Tuesday comes she's Wednesday,
Into another day again
Her personality unwinds
Just like a ball of twine
On a spool that never ends
Just when I think I know her well
Her emotions reveal,
She's not the person that
I though I knew
She's a complicated lady, so color my baby moody blue,

Oh, Moody blue
Tell me am I gettin' through
I keep hangin' on
Try to learn the song
But I never do
Oh, Moody blue,
Tell me who I'm talkin' to
You're like the night and day
And it's hard to say
Which one is you.

Written by Elvis Presley and Mark James

Money Honey

You know, the landlord rang my front door bell.
I let it ring for a long, long spell.
I went to the window,
I peeped through the blind,
And asked him to tell me what's on his mind.
He said,

Money, honey.
Money, honey.
Money, honey, if you want to get along with me.

Well, I screamed and I hollered,
I was so hard-pressed.
I called the woman that I loved the best.
I finally got my baby about half past three,
She said I'd like to know what you want with me.
I said,

Money, honey.
Money, honey.
Money, honey,
If you want to get along with me.

Well, I said tell me baby, what's wrong with you?
From this day on our romance is through
I said, tell me baby, face to face
How could another man take my place?
She said,

Money, honey.
Money, honey.
Money, honey,
If you want to get a long with me.

Well, I've learned my lesson and now I know
The sun may shine and the winds may blow.
The women may come and the women may go,
But before I say I love you so,
I want

Money, honey.
Money, honey.
Money, honey,
If you want to get along with me.

Written by Stone

Mona Lisa

Mona Lisa, Mona Lisa, man have named you
You're so like the lady with the mystic smile
Is it only 'cause you're lonely man have blamed you
For that Mona Lisa strangeness in your smile
Do you smile to tempt a lover Mona Lisa
Or is it your way to hide a broken heart

Many dreams have been brought to your doorstep
They just lie there and they die there
Are you warm, are you real Mona Lisa
Or just a cold and lonely lovely work of art

La la la la......

For that Mona Lisa strangeness in your smile
Do you smile to tempt a lover Mona Lisa
Or is it your way to hide a broken heart

Many dreams have been brought to your doorstep
They just lie there and they die there
Are you warm, are you real Mona Lisa
Or just a cold and lonely lovely work of art

Written by Evans and Livingston


Is your love darling just a mirage?
From the distance, you call to me like an oasis
Though your kisses, keep drawing me near
Is your love a mirage that will disappear?

Like a man in the desert, I'm lost
Is this dream just a trick of my imagination
Though I thirst for your lips, night and day
Is your love a mirage that will fade away?

How I pray, heaven answered my prayer
When I reach out for you, You'll be there
In the search for my love will be through
Like a dream a mirage, will come true
How I pray, heaven answered my prayer
When I reach out for you, You'll be there
In the search for my love will be through
Like a dream a mirage, will come true

A mirage, a mirage, a mirage

Written by Giant, Baum and Kaye